Friday, 19 October 2007


Ni hao,
at the time being I am spending some weeks in Beijing on my own while the other drive the bus to Kathmandu. The 13th of November I will hopefully join the bus again. More information will come later - I guess I will have plenty of time to write and think the next couple of weeks. But I can reveal that China is close to fantastic!


Anonymous said...

Hei Cecilie!
Håper du har sjekka ut Summer Palace. Det er vakkert og fredfylt. Morsomt å følge med på turen deres, og så håper jeg at alt er bra med deg. Kos deg videre! Klem Gry
P.s. Skal hilse fra alle på Stovner

Anonymous said...

hey cecilie! haven't heard from you in ages, i'm dying to know the next episode in your adventures.
